We and a number of our MAS clients have found that if you change the employee’s direct deposit bank, the previous entry and YTD figures no longer print on the DD stub. Inspection of the Crystal DD Stub form reveals that the direct deposit lines are handled in the same fashion as the Earnings, Deductions and Taxes are handled. Earnings, Deductions and Tax lines will show for the rest of the year even if only used once. The issue is the DD data is not sent to the work file and we fail to understand the business reason for this.
We thought that it may possibly work if we just added the new bank as a second bank on the original entry with the percent on the first bank adjusted to zero and the new bank adjusted to whatever it needed to be. This did not work either.
KB Res ID 468679 indicates we should manually adjust the figure in the new bank record to combine the YTD figures. It is marked NAB which I believe means 'Not A Bug'. Regardless of whether it is a Bug or Design, we request that it be made consistent with the way things work for Earnings, Deductions and Taxes so it tells a complete story.


  • We experienced the same issue here...it caused a great deal of unnecessary confusion for employees.

  • We are experiencing the same issue with a client. The employees are confused. We are going to attempt to modify the crystal report or the work file, but we agree that this should be made consistent with the way things work for Earnings, Deductions, and taxes.

  • Looks like this issue has still not been corrected.