In MAS90/200 v4.4, the DivisionNo is now a ZEROFILLED field, whereas it used to be a string. When attempting to import, MAS90 auto creates Div 00 even if the entity does not use divisions. If you import without a Customer No., which should create an Item Projection, what is created is an invalid record with ***CUSTOMER NOT ON FILE***. So now there are two records for each item, the existing item with no Division record and no forecast and the new record with a Division, a forecast and an invalid Customer ID. Based on information from a Sage employee there are only a few options:
Obtain a Master Developer to modify the field in SY0DCT
Import the records and write a program to strip the 00 Division records
Contact Sage to fix the issue
This issue all but eliminates the ability to import into the MRP Forecast fields; hence the MRP forecast becomes worthless, as most of our clients do not have time to enter their forecast by item, by warehouse and now by division.
by: Kathleen M. | over a year ago | Manufacturing