Now to search for on hand items you have to click to many options. Before it was two clicks. Now it is a hassle to find and read.
by: Melanie S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
by: Melanie S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Now to search for on hand items you have to click to many options. Before it was two clicks. Now it is a hassle to find and read.
by: Melanie S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Can you elaborate? What exactly were you doing in Version 3 that you can't do now in 4.4?
Can you be more specific regarding what program or screen you are searching from?
I desperately need the ability to search for descriptions with the dbl-quote symbol. It was available in 3.x and still available on ebm (but my database is too large for the search to work). On version 4.0, the dbl-quote is disallowed. We have many items with ft/in symbols in the descriptions:
10'6" x 1-1/4" and the loss of this function has hurt our productivity tremendously.