With the new 2% reduction in FICA tax for the employee's only it would be nice to have a report that you could run for the employer side of FICA when ever you need to. When it was a dollar for dollar match it was easy to see using the payroll check history report - now it becomes more difficult to separate the employee and employer sides of FICA for a specified time frame since the rates have changed.
by: Kory O. | over a year ago | Payroll / Job Cost
You can create your own Crystal Reports from the perpetual history files.
Running the Employer's Expense Summary report before printing checks will provide you will all the taxes and deductions from the current payroll run. This report does show you the Employer's 6.4% total and the Employee's 4.2% total. This report was created to give you a summary of all tax deductions done on the current payroll run.
I understand that those options are available, but it would be nice to be able to get that information at a glance on the check history report or just in case you forget to run the employers expense summary.
Running the Employer Expense report works only ONCE... and if changes are made you have to ADD up all those changes. Hence a Report to keep track would be far easier. If you could run the Current Quarterly Tax report by Dates specified... THEN you might be onto something. Data's there... just need to be able to restrict which Dates to pull from. Or add Employer tax info to the Perpetual History.
A report to know current payroll taxes due would be very nice. Instead of having to add up amounts due, especially because the Employers Expense report is once and done. Or the option to be able to access the employers expense report at anytime.
Added in the PR 2.21.2 release.