Through Federal eFiling & Reporting there is a section that lets you enter your W2 Box 14 Selections...but you can only choose two Misc Earnings Codes and two Misc Deduction Codes. We would like to be able to enter more than just two of one kind. For example, if you need more than two Misc Earnings Codes, you are limted to choosing just two and then you have to manually add columns in eFiling and then manually add the amounts for each employee. It would be nice if there was more flexibility in what codes you can select so you don't have to do any manual work.
by: Jenny S. | over a year ago | Payroll / Job Cost
This would be very useful
No kidding... if we are to report Cafeteria Plans... and because the employer contributions for departments is being used I have to create up to 24 different employer contribution codes because they go to different expense accounts. Just which of the 2 of the 24 am I supposed to use??? And my medical plan is OUTRAGEOUS... 4 different plans for each department... 24 different departments... 24 different expense account codes... and I'm to report this where??? Oh yeah baby... Fun