We often ship standard stock from our inventory (warehoused) but in some situations, we have it dropshipped directly from our independent supplier. If it is drop shipped, the sales activity is not record in the IM module. Therefore, when we run a Detailed Transaction Report, it will not show us this history. It will be nice if we had a radio button giving us the option of seeing this activity even though it does nto pass through the our hands (in the IM module)


  • I agree, the only way you can track it, is by writting a report. On the fly checking would be helpful in IM under history or detail transactions report.

  • Even if we drop ship, we don't mark it as "drop Shipped" because we can't tell at the end of the year how many were actually sold to customers.

  • The function of utilizing Drop Ship in SO and PO without utilizing the inventory module makes zero sense. The profitability on a Drop Shipped Item is just as important as one through a warehouse. This is not a like but an absolute to fix. Distributors utilize drop ship extensively and now even more than ever with COVID 19

  • yes please change this. have all drop ship transactions show up in item maintenace / inventory module data. these transactions could start with a D for example. DP for "dropship PO". its strange

  • Totally agree.

  • This needs to be corrected - It's a bug as you should be able to reconcile your inventory quantities - Major BLINDSPOT

    It should not be considered an ENHANCEMENT REQUEST this is just plain wrong

  • Agreed. The way we've worked around this is to NOT use Sage 100's drop ship functionality. Instead we created a drop ship warehouse and handle the PO and SO as any other sale, but running through the drop ship warehouse. This way it records all the inventory transactions and COGS is posted along with the revenue instead of at separate times. Also, we don't invoice our customer for a drop ship until we are notified by the supplier that it has shipped and have tracking numbers to record and provide to the customer. We created a KnowledgeSync alert that notifies billing when an item was received into the drop ship warehouse so they know it can now be invoiced.