The Sales order tab in inventory inquiry and inventory maintenance only shows open and back orders. We frequently need to know if an item is on a quote, but there is no easy way to find that out.

All order statuses should be shown: Quotes, Master Orders, Open Orders, Back Orders


  • i agree

  • While it would be nice to have, this type of info is available through Business Insights, which would also show you which quotes had the items, plus any other relevanat data someone might want.

  • I was told, but have not verified, that this feature was available prior to version 4.10 (new business framework). It should be restored.

  • Brian C. Order Type is not an available field in Item View in BI Explorer.

  • All order types are available in the S/O tab in Customer inquiry, Item inquiry orders tab is limited to only standard and back order types. This is a significant shortcoming for a company that has customers with blanket orders. It is inconvenient to determine the quantity remaining on a blanket order for an item. The Item inquiry orders tab binoculars search should have the same options for order type that is available in the S/O tab in Customer Inquiry.

  • Our users would love for it to be able to show sales order history (invoiced sales orders) by item as well. We don't close POs to history simply so they don't loose this visibility on the PO side.

  • The SO button should show all orders like the PO button does. I use the PO history all the time but there is no where to obtain the SO order history.

  • I agree that everything should be visible in Customer Maintenance and Inventory Maintenance. Master Orders is useless if the inventory isn’t being accounted for. When a customer calls in for a product our sales team checks to see if it’s available and they don’t have time nor want I keep the customer waiting while researching if it’s on a Master Order.

  • Will be available in the 2022 Release, scheduled for March/April 2022.