Under Inventory Utlities: Delete and Change item numbers the user should be asked the question "Do you want to delete this item with Invoice History". The new 4.4 keeps any item for two years and will not let you delete as was the case in 4.3
This would help keep searches quicker for current items.
by: Mike A. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Rather than deleting the item, merge it into an item called DELETED.
Would like to see option to purge one item from just item master file or purge one item from all history.
Merge works great! Big issue you cant do this with others are in the system.
It is next to impossible to delete an item using the utility as designed in version 4.40 because once the quantities are gone you have to empty out Item Transaction History and Item Warehouse History and of course you can't purge just one item from those files. The way this was designed you actually have to purge ALL your history for ALL your items before you can delete one item. Of course there is a workaround of merging into one super-deleted item but realistically this needs to be fixed so that you can actually delete one item like you could on prior versions.
As of 4.4 PU6, there is an Inactive feature that inhibits use an item as if it was deleted. Reports also have been adjusted so you can choose not to show them. With filtered lookups, they are basically gone but available for history work. This feature has satisfied the need to delete items for most of our clients.
Coding a true deletion with the new inventory history structure is no simple task and integrity of the system is probably better with the inactive feature. It appears that the new inventory structure is similar to that setup for GL back in 4.0. It allows old inventory reports to balance properly with GL for years there is history.
We have clients who have regularly used the Merge feature to keep history of old model numbers behind new replacement model numbers.