The first release was a good start, but it acts like a 1.0 product. Some things needed:
1) Fix the problem with writing credit card data; currently you have to write the sales order twice just to get it to accept the data.
2) Allow the ability for pulling in item data from CI_Item.
3) Allow the ability for pulling in item pricing data.
4) Allow the ability to retrieve customer information on more than one index. Retrieving via the customer ID is not enough. Can it retrieve a list of customer IDs with an email address?
5) Add the ability to grab data from the AR invoice history records. At a bare minimum the AR_OpenInvoice table so a customer could see invoice balances.
6) Add the ability to write data to A/R cash receipts. This would allow a developer to take a credit card payment against open invoices and pass it to MAS 90.
7) There is no ability currently to get/update/create ship to locations.


  • #1 is fixed. Everything else is still a functionality gap.