It would be nice to be able to have different decimals available for different modules. We produce the quantity of certain items in different decimals places than we order items. We only order items in full quantities with no decimal needed but produced items in half quantities.
by: patty c. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Almost all of our vendors go out 5 decimal places and it makes doing PO's more cumbersome for us. Please add the ability to pick a mask and precision for numbers per module. It would be nice to add a mask for those that never use decimals to be able to select the mask for a number in a particular module. Also for those that do need decimals to select how many they do need, but out farther than 4.
We are a manufacturing company. We are not using the software to track inventory because of this decimal issue. We need to be able to use decimals in purchasing and inventory management. However, our finished goods are never sold in fractional amounts therefore, we want to stay with whole numbers (no decimals) in Sales Order. Please make this possible ASAP!