Have in either the module options or security to limit the range an invoice date can be. This would save a lot of mistakes by accounting clerks. it would be even better if it was "smart" in that you could tell the system to only allow 60 days (or whatever you want) from todays date, forward or backwards.
by: Douglas T. | over a year ago | Financial Management
There is a setting for this under the preferences tab in Library Master Company maintenance.
I have a client that has asked for this also.
The Company Maintenance preference is intended for posting dates. Invoice Dates, Check Dates are not checked. This would be a great enhancement. I added scripts to check this for one of our clients, but something as part of the core software would be perfect!
DATES!!! It would be lovely if Sage knew (or at least asked) the month I would like to post invoices in. Often, I am working in the previous month; this becomes a problem when I go to POST invoices. When entering invoices in July, with July dates - why does the system allow you to POST them in August?? There should be a stop with a question: Would you like to post these in the current month? Then you would stop and question yourself. I can't tell you how many times I have Posted entries from one month into the next. And the process for reversing them...don't get me started
v2019 PU2 Sage 100cloud includes the Document Date warning feature.