1. Maybe add My Tasks as an option in the Customizer Export Wizard? When customizations are done on one MAS installation, everything but My Tasks is portable.

2. My Tasks have to be re-setup after each upgrade.


  • Per the Knowledgebase Entry [Where are the public and private folders and tasks stored, that display in the Modules and Tasks panel's "My Tasks" tab?]...
    Public folder settings for the "My Tasks" folders and tasks are stored in the "MNUTASKP.ini" file, located in the live "..\MAS90\MAS_SYSTEM\" directory on the server.

    Private foldier settings are stored in the "MNUTASKS.ini" file, located in "..\MAS90\Launcher\USR\Login" (where "USR" is the MAS 90 or 200 User Code, and "Login" is the Windows Login). Note: For Sage ERP MAS 200, the "..\MAS90" path is to where Workstation Setup was installed to on the workstation.
    So one possible workaround would be to copy that file from the appropriate location, then make the appropriate folders.