We have clients that create multi-line comment codes that are a essentially a template to be competed after adding to a sales order or purchase order.

Editing a large comment can be a little challenging if you don’t have enough room in your grid for it all to show. A down arrow, enter or tab will close the comment. Placement of the cursor must be done with the mouse.

It would be helpful, if, when double clicked, the comment would pop up for editing in a separate window similar to an extended description, instead of expanding within the confines of the grid.

The clients originally handled this with pseudo inventory items with an extended description; however, when they discovered the Auto Generate PO feature, they found the pseudo inventory items used for these templates would not transfer due to the primary vendor being either non-existent or incorrect.


  • Found the following regarding editing a comment field.

    Double clicking the field shows as much of the field as will fit in the grid below.
    Page Up and Page Down Keys work.
    CTRL-Enter is necessary to insert a carriage return and take you to the beginning of the nextline.
    ALT with any ARROW key collapses the field.
    HOME takes you to the beginning of the current line.
    END takes you to the end of the current line.
    CTRL HOME takes you to the beginning of the comment.
    CTRL END takes you to the end of the comment.
    LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS work to move on a line and will wrap through the lines.
    CTRL LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS move a word at a time on a given line and will wrap through lines.
    UP and DOWN ARROWS collapse the field.
    CTRL DOWN ARROW takes you to the next line in the same column.
    CTRL UP ARROW takes you to the previous line in the same column.
    Positioning the cursor with the mouse works fine.

    I have not discovered how to move up or down a single line in the comment.

  • Correction to the previous comment. Jeff S. brought to my attention that the UP and DOWN ARROWS work correctly in MAS 90. I have checked two MAS 200 system so far and both collapse the comment.