I would like an area in Customer Maintenance to store Cell numbers, a lot of our customers are on the road and it is hard to get a hold of them at their office numbers.


  • In customer contacts, there are fields for phone 1 and phone 2; you could use phone 1 for the direct office line and phone 2 for the cell phone. The labels on screen can easily be changed with custom office.

  • Agreed!

  • I changed the Fax number field label to Cell number using customization. Yes, I can do the same in contacts, but having it right on the main screen is often better than having to click through to contact info that is frequently identical to the customer info. If we had customers who we faxed, I would just add a field to the main screen, but we don't.

  • A telephone type was added to customer, and contact maintenance to indicate the type of telephone # in the 2020 release of Sage 100cloud.