For example: Customers would like to see the SO number when in the invoice tab of the customer maintenance or inquiry screen. At the moment one can not add the field to the panel. So we need the ability to select from comparable tables(in this case the AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader table) in custom office or Sage needs to add the SO number to the open invoice table. The ability to add fields from related tables in custom office to various panels would be very useful and enhance the workflow in MAS tremendously.
In certain cases this is possible but it should be across the board so MAS is flexible to unique requirements of the end user.
by: Avron K. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
You can do this with custom office but you have to add the field to the transaction posting file then to the AR open invoice file.
Agree with Dawn. Very simple and easy to do............... Once you figure out the steps.
Agreed. For example, you cannot add Customer PO# to Item Inquiry > Orders Tab > Sales Order panel.