Maybe a Data Entry/update function, or a toggle that would allow changes from the Inv Management screen for those that choose to change Costing in that way.


  • Another suggestion would be to control the ability to get into the Standard Cost Field in IM Maintenance through User Security to allow a change to this field like in the older versions.

  • I would be happy if we could at least enter the changes into the "Change Standard Cost" utility. even if we could not update until all users are out at least we could do the data entry during normal business hours and run the update after hours.

  • There already is a suggestion on this -- I would recommend voting on the existing suggestion versus creating a new one. Then the main suggestion will have more weight.

  • I have upgraded 2 manufacturing clients to 4.4 and they both would love the ability to have security control this feature to be able to make manual changes. It's definitley been an issue for them to have to update BOM Production in order to even get into the screens to enter data.

  • I currently do this with Visual Integrator. Not difficult to setup.