I'm utilizing the National Account feature (thank you Sage for hearing our cries); This new feature has enabled us to perform cash receipts much faster as a result.
We do have a couple problems though:
Problem #1. reporting in ar aged invoices and statements are a problem;
in ar aged invoice reporting, we need the option to sort by sold to customer and display that sold to customer field; in statements the same;
Problem #2. also, when accessing customer inqueries, going to a sold to customer, invoices tab, there arent any invoices visible now
AR Options for National Tab
Check on: Enable Bill To Customer Reporting, Print Sold To Customer Number on Bill To Statements,
Track Customer Sales History in Accounts Receivable by (Sold To Customers Only)
by: CARLOS G. | over a year ago | Financial Management
Yes, the enhancement requested regarding Problem #2 would be please add an option to keep the invoices on the Sold To account, instead of on the Bill To account. In other words, the option to use everything on the Sold To account, except pull the invoice billing address from another account. Like MAS 500 does.