Purchases Clearing report can only be run "real Time" This report should be allow the user to run as of a prior period end. Sage gave us the abiltiy to run the inventory Valuation report for period end (Finally!). Now they need to do that for the purchases Clearing report too! Auditors need this report and if you forget to run it at month end how can you expect to pass your Audit.
Or as my client put it - "It is the single biggest problem I have with Mas90. I cannot figure out how they expect us to pass audits without that capability."
by: David o. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
You should check out this submission: https://www11.v1ideas.com/SageERP/MAS90and200/Idea/Detail/1921
I actually did see that post and voted for it before I posted this one. The other post had a lot of very good points, but did not seem to address the date sensitivity issue; so I wanted to address that here also. Hopefully Sage will do something to make this more user friendly. I started as a MAS90 consultant in 1997 and i don't think purchases clearing has changed a bit since then. I was really hoping for improvements when they rolled PO into the new 4.x standards. (sigh)
With the advent of purchase order history inquiry in version 2015, it would seem possible to make purchase order clearing date sensitive?
Available in the 2021 Release - New Purchases Clearing from History Report added under the P/O Period End menu.