To enable to do proper sales analysis by customer, it would be helpful if the sales history by month report would seperate the sales, freight,discounts,sales tax and cash receipt discounts. Currently the sales amount includes freight,discount and sales tax and this makes sales analysis useless. We should save in the data file by month the actual sales, discount,freight and cash receipt discounts instead of lumping everything in one number. This will allow one to create alot of management analysis reports in disecting sales, freight and discounts and provide insight to a customer's activity. Currently one has to create a custom report that takes a long time as we have to look at every invoice.
by: Avron K. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
I could not agree more with the above comments and recommendation. There must not have been any accounting individual consulting when this was set up because as the author states, this information is useless. But even worse, the profit margin it indicates is always too high and leads Sage users to the incorrect conclusion that they are making more money than what they really are!
To futher complicate the issue the sales reports in sales order do not include sales tax, however the reports in accounts receivable do. It would be nice if we were consistent as to what sales consists of in all modules. Running a customer sales history report in sales order it excludes sales tax, howeever running customer sales history by period in accounts receivable it includes sales tax. Please note sales tax is not sales.