Add more lines, and more characters. We ship internationally, and some of our customers in other countries have very long company names and addresses, that do not fit the standard set up.


  • Instead of making your own post, I would suggest adding your vote to the existing post already out there.

  • Not only do some business names not fit, we have run into the 5th line of the address not printing on checks.

  • For the love over everything sweet, why can't you increase the shipping and billing address fields on all the forms!!!!!!!!!

  • In Payroll, there isn't even an option to display country codes for international addresses. This is cumbersome when importing W-2 data for Federal E-Filing and having to cut/paste all the international addresses for country code. Please allow international addresses in all modules of MAS90.

  • Longer character limits for city names please. Our EDI system will not export the documents if the city is too long making manual data entry needed.

  • All address fields have been expanded to accommodate international addresses in the 2020 release of Sage 100cloud.