Most companies pay by credit card now. It would be nice if there was a way were you could create a purchase order and show the payment by credit card in a single transaction. Right now, you have to create a PO, do a receipt of invoice to have the invoice show up in AP, and then transfer the balance to a credit card vendor. Too many steps to process a PO by credit card. It would be nice to have a check box to have "pay by credit card", pick your credit card vendor, and then the invoice shows up as paid for that vendor and the payment due shows up in the credit card vendor.
This is an enhancement that many new customers want!!
by: Alain S. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
The current method is too inefficient.
I completely agree, too many steps to process these types of transactions.
Yes! This is exactly the issue I am looking at right now!
This is a great idea.
If doing this from PO entry also creates the invoice record coded in the payable deposit with a description referencing the PO and if the GL posting of the receipt of invoice when the prepayment is applied also is written to the general ledger, it would be much easier to track open prepayments and prevent duplicate payments.