It would be nice if the invoices you have already selected for manual AP check entry didn't show in the invoice look-up. Prime example: When we pay our credit card vendor off, we may have over 100 invoices that pertain to a monthly statement. Alot of our invoices for some vendors have the same dollar amount, so it can get confusing knowing if we have already selected that invoice. I know if you happen to select an invoice twice, MAS will tell you that, but it would be nice if already selected invoices for payment didn't show in the invoice look-up window.
by: Kevin T. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Kevin, I feel your pain; however, you can easily do this yourself by customizing the lookup.
When in the lookup, click Custom, choose Create new view, give it a Description, click Default View and then Next.
Add the PaidToday field to the Selected Columns. I would move it up to the second position so I can see it (Y or N), but if you want, you can go on to the next screen and set the filter to PaidToday Equal N.
Thanks, I will give this a try. You would just think the system would automatically not display an invoice that has already been selected for payment, the same way it does in Cash Receipts invoice look up.
Yes, just like Cash Receipts Entry.