Assets created in FAS from Sage 100 lack vital info for FAS purposes that is or should be available from MAS at Invoice or PO Receipt entry, namely:
Vendor #, Invoice #, PO #, Acquisition Date (and others). Further, the asset description gets created from the TEMPLATE name - what good is that??? There's now a boatload of assets on our system named "Leasehold Improvements"...
The user should NOT be forced to go into the FAS system to finish off the asset addition correctly- what's the point of the integration if it is only incomplete?
by: Frank D. | over a year ago | Integration
1000000% agree!
In addition, why not integrate the Premium version of Sage 100 with FAS like it is with the Standard and Advanced versions. There is no AP/PO integration at all with the Premium version of Sage 100.