You should not be allowed to delete a current Company. Mas will not let you delete a vendor if there has been any actiivity in the last year or two, but it will let you delete a Company!!
by: jerri h. | over a year ago | Financial Management
by: jerri h. | over a year ago | Financial Management
You should not be allowed to delete a current Company. Mas will not let you delete a vendor if there has been any actiivity in the last year or two, but it will let you delete a Company!!
by: jerri h. | over a year ago | Financial Management
We use test companies quite often. This would cause issues with testing as we would not be able to delete a temporary company we set up for testing.
You can restrict the ability to delete a company in the roles maintenance. Under Library Master - Maintenance/Data Entry - Company Maintenance, you can uncheck the box that allows you to remove a company. So, in essence, it is already available, if you choose to set it.
Available in the 2021 Release - A new L/M security option has been added in Role Maintenance, "Allow Delete/Overwrite Live and Archive Companies".