It seems whenever we ask users to stay out of MAS so we can install updates, perform maintenance or fix an error, someone always tries to log in before we are finished. This just makes the task more difficult. It would be nice if the administrator had a way within the system to keep all other users from logging in during these times.


  • When you try to shutdown all, this also shuts down the administrator, so to do maintenance, the administrator has to relog in. This didn't happen with earlier versions of mas90 and is a nuisance.

  • In the ..mas90\home directory create a text file called INSTLOCK.TXT

    It will prevent anyone from starting the system with the message: "The administrator is currently maintaining the system. Try again later."

    Users that have already entered the system or even have the logon window started will not be affected.

  • You can lock people out of Sage 100 Premium, Advanced and Standard by:

    Create a text file called ..\mas90\home\INSTLOCK.TXT

    It will prevent anyone from starting the system with the message: "The administrator is currently maintaining the system. Try again later."

    Users that have already entered the system or even have the logon window started will not be affected.

    There are also settings in the application server applet used by Premium and Advanced that will allow you to deny access to users.

  • This will be available in the 2024 Release, scheduled for April 2024.

  • This feature has been added in the 2024 Release, available on April 18/24.