When printing sales and purchase orders, printing only the code for the Ship Via field is like printing only the vendor number, not name! We have numerous codes that are used and our customers and vendors cannot be expected to know what those codes stand for!


  • You can change this with Crystal Reports.

  • Yes, you can add through crystal reports(and we did), but just like Jim said above it is about as useful as putting the customer key on an invoice and expecting USPS to find the address and deliver it. I feel the issue is a little more that just the examples. We even wanted to see the ShipVia description on the Sales Order entry screen after the shipvia was selected and could not. We had the lookup and code added to SO entry in order to do that. Fields like Terms, Ship Via, Salesperson, and others should list their respective descriptions next to them but they do not. Yet a field like country does list the full description of the country next to it. Not sure why the country is one of the very few that does this while everything else you have to do quite a bit of coding to get it to work.