we need to be able to search the vendor alias part numbers. we have customers that call in with the vendor part number that is labeled on the actual part and we need to be able to cross that number to our assigned part number. there is currently no way do do that in mas90. if the alias number field could be added to that explore search, that would greatly help.
by: Pete L. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
You could create a custom lookup in the item master showing the vendor alias in a column; then you can sort on that number.
If you use the flashlight icon lookup in I/M maintenance or inquiry item field the assigned alias numbers appear in the left column, at least in Sage100 2014 version. Of course this does not guarantee that the number stamped on the item itself is the correct or full vendor ordering number used in your P/O module, but is likely to be a partial number therefore making it searchable.
When creating inventory items we assign our own item code, general aliases for the manufacturer's item code, and a vendor alias for every potential vendor. When creating a BOM I often have vendor catalogs, and excel sheets created during the concept or prototyping stage of development. While I know I can find our number using an alias lookup in another module it would be a huge time saver to have this ability right in BOM. This is the reason it exists in SO and PO, why not BOM?