One of the greatest nightmares for my clients is when they inadvertently post a large entry batch to the wrong GL date and then must reverse the batch. This could be mostly eliminated by comparing a "critical" date from the entry data with the current accounting date. Critical dates are: Invoice dates in SO Invoice Data Entry, AR Invoice Data Entry, AP Invoice Data entry, etc. The Warning would list the items and the critical dates. Would save a lot of heartache!


  • DATES!!! It would be lovely if Sage knew (or at least asked) the month I would like to post invoices in. Often, I am working in the previous month; this becomes a problem when I go to POST invoices. When entering invoices in July, with July dates - why does the system allow you to POST them in August?? There should be a stop with a question: Would you like to post these in the current month? Then you would stop and question yourself. I can't tell you how many times I have Posted entries from one month into the next. And the process for reversing them...don't get me started

  • Hear! Hear! to Michael M.

  • It should be simple to have MAS cross check the dates in a batch being updated with the update date and give a warning pop up when all dates aren't in the same period. It would save so many problems. Please!

  • Even better, have the system set up to post to the GL based on the invoice or other transaction date, like we do with GL journal entries, instead of having to have a completely separate posting date.

  • It would be great if you could assign a posting date to a batch when you create the batch.

  • Hurray. One of my biggest gripes over the years.

    Don't forget check printing/manual checks. These mismatched dates are forever screwing up the bank reconciliation against the general ledger.

  • The Document Date Warning feature was introduced in version 2019 PU2 of Sage 100cloud.