Presently there is no warning when you increase the mask in a numeric UDF that panels with the UDF do not get updated with the new mask property. Nor is there a utility to update panels. You must reset the panel and re-enter the UDF.

I spent 6 months with an open case with Sage to come to this resolution. The problem was with a UDF on AR Invoice History Lines tab where the value of the UDF was greater than the old mask. When they launched AR Inv Hist Inquiry, an Error 43 occurred when clicking on the Lines tab. Sage determined that this is not a defect, and advised adding this as an enhancement request. I feel differently. But I've added this request here for consideration.


  • It took an experienced consultant and the Sage support staff 6 months to figure out what is happening, and the programmer says it was designed that way!!?!?! If you make a change to a UDF, the program should make that change work. If it doesn't, it's defective.