When I build an item in MAS I would like to be able to view the cost as I go. I would also like that cost to automatically be pre-filled into the Item Maint. module. As the system is set up now, I have to know my cost of the item before I ever build it, or leave the cost at $0.00 which seem backwards. One of the reasons I build my item is to know my cost, but MAS wants to know the cost of the item before I build it. Once I have my bill of materials complete, I then have to print it so I can see what the actual cost is according to MAS, then I have to go to the Item Maint. and put my actual cost in. Seems like a lot of time wasted on what should be a simple process.
by: Karen B. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Once you create a BOM, you should be able to run a Costed BOM that includes all components AND labor and have it automatically update the cost of the parent in the Item Maint.
I would find this very useful but only if I can control which cost is used; last cost, average cost, standard cost. Ideally there would be a total at the bottom of the screen for each. I.E. for all of the items in the BOM what is the sum of their last cost, the sum of their average cost, and the sum of their standard cost.
Why is it when we created BOM (assembly part) with components the labor cost is not included and updated to the cost of assembly part(Inventory Management - Item Maintenance).