In version 2013 and earlier, you used to be able to go from the vendor field to the invoice # field by using enter. Now you can only get there by using tab or clicking the field.
by: Gordon S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
by: Gordon S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
In version 2013 and earlier, you used to be able to go from the vendor field to the invoice # field by using enter. Now you can only get there by using tab or clicking the field.
by: Gordon S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
We've just update to 2016 and do not like the feature of the TAB key being used. The ENTER key is more appropriate. When using the 10-key to enter multiple invoices for one vendor - it takes more time to jump over to the TAB key when the ENTER key is right there.