Our serialized inventory has longer serial numbers than the field allows for. Increasing the length (or even better, having the ability to configure the length) would help us avoid more customization (relating a UDT and modifying Maintain Items).


  • VIN (serial numbers for vehicles)are 17 characters. Sage should expand to at least 20 characters preferably 30 characters.

  • I have requested this from Sage on many occasions as have others. I can't grasp my head around why this is such a difficult change to make for Sage. They wouldn't even be able to use their own software as their serial #'s are longer than 15 characters.

  • I agree, the serial numbers need to be increased to at least 30 characters. 15 is no way long enough!

  • We are also running into this issue.

  • Scanco has a modification for extended serial numbers that one of my clients is using.