Frames really got good by 2015, but in 2016, the new user interface, great in its own right, doesn't allow them. For companies with multiple Sage 100 entities, the color frames make a great subliminal landmark.


  • You can still do this, but it works a little differently.

    1. Select Library Master > Main > Theme Maintenance.

    2. Create a theme for each company. The only setting you need to change is the Frame color.

    3. Select Library Master > Main > Company Maintenance.

    4. Select a company.

    5. On the Theme tab, select the applicable theme code.

    6. Repeat for all companies as needed.

    7. Restart Sage 100.

    The frame colors selected in Theme Maintenance are now in use.

  • This only works if the Theme is set to Classic. You can set the Desktop to Standard, but the Theme Code must be Classic.