The ALE's are one of the greatest single tools in the product. That said there are several things that would improve it:
- offer a TOTAL for any numeric field at the bottom of the active window for whatever qualified in the view...function essentially the same as in the BIE. Now, if a total is desired, all we can offer is export to excel and do a sum...klunky at best
- remember the focus if the ALE is exited to choose a record. Now, you do an ALE, change selections, filters and/or sorts, and select a record that's not top of file...if you want to recall that ALE it has no idea what record you were on, the sorts or selects that had been in's always a start from scratch
- make ALE functionality available EVERYWHERE there's a F2 key offered. Now this is certainly NOT the case for many things like Invoice History from the MORE button in Customer Maint, Invoice Payment Selection in AP, Bank Rec grids, etc. The inconsistency on this is very confusing to end users who expect a consistent behavior when the same key is pressed in different places.


  • Add ALE functionality to DFDM with drill-down / edit records while retaining the lookup table.

  • Add everywhere there is an ALE, there is a drill-down button, e.g. Inventory Maintenance, on the record without losing the ALE lookup.