I have a spreadsheet in our work directory that is supporting several monthly journal entries. I set up a Memo Code, fill in a description and then I create the browsing path. I Accept it but when I look it up to put on another journal entry, the listing from the magnifying glass look-up is still empty. Why create a code for something that does not save? Isn't that the whole point of a code?


  • Memo codes in general journal entry are specific to a specific entry such as JE-00052, JE-00689.

    They not specific to a journal such as JE or a saved journal, although I could see a value in being able to do that.

    Now to be pefectly honest I had never even noticed the memo button before. Now I'm curious as to where you could find it after it was posted.

  • How do you attach the memo Code to the JE? Do you have to do this at the point of entry or can you somehow pull open a past JE and add a memo? HELP

  • you attach it at time of journal entry however once it is updated you lose the ability to go back and see the support. Not sure why they even created this feature if it is not able to drill down. There is another similar post requesting they allow you to be able to do so. you should vote for it. maybe something will happen