In Customer Memo Maintenance, Vendor Memo Maintenance, or Item Memo Maintenance, when you add a Memo Attachment and the path and file name and extension is greater than 128 characters, the system pretends to allow Accept. However, the path does not save. Going back, you'll find that the Attachment path is either blank (because it was originally blank) or it has not changed (because it has not been saved).

The system should NOT pretend to allow a path greater than 128 characters to be saved.


  • Workaround: Make sure the path (preferably a UNC path) and file name and extension, when combined, is short enough to be well under 128 characters.

    Good Example:


    Bad Example:

    "\\server\sharepoint\folder name\a long folder name\another long folder name\long file name that ends up so much space that the entire path and file name exceeds 128 characters.pdf"