Currently the report will break out all regular and OT hours however if there are multiple earnings codes like vacation or sick time the report will take the total gross including the other earnings codes so it looks like the gross is only regular hours. Some more clarity in the report would be helpful


  • The Check History Report in the 2018 version of Payroll does give you the ability to check an "Earnings" box on the print dialog and therefore see all earnings codes.

  • Yes, you can see all the earnings codes but not total by employee. There are many times when an employer needs total hours PAID by employee.

  • The check history report also using much more paper than the WONDERFUL perpetual history report we had.

  • I also requested that the check history report list all hours (Regular, OT, Sick, Personal, Vacation and Miscellaneous) and not only the hours under Regular and OT type. Yes, you can pull all earnings codes, but the Regular and OT columns will only have the correct number of hours if you only have Regular and OT type hours and I don't feel comfortable sending a report that has incorrect info on it.