Sage 2018 payroll reports are not acceptable. In the prior version I was able to run a Pension Plan History report which included ALL employees, ALL hours paid, and ALL compensation which we use for submitting payroll data to our 401(k) record keeper. The reports should be returned to portrait.


  • Totally true!!! Pension report-if no deduction the check doesn't show on the report. Result: payroll and hours are understated. I tried to design a report for our TPA census...unable to do so. Besides gross wages and hours, I need dates (birth, hire, re-hire, terminate). I think they need to discuss what is needed with real 401k TPA. For us a nice report would be:
    SSN/LastName/FirstName/BirthDate/HireDate/TermDate/Re-HireDate/Status/YTD Hours/YTD Gross Comp - in Excel format.

  • So true, we've been using the same payroll reports for years, not sure why the new reports were not designed to mimic the old ones. Also the new landscape designs are horrible. They are combining state and local taxes together on many of the reports (2 totally different taxes) and the report totals for these taxes are also combined when they should be separate. On the check history and payroll audit reports they have the Fed/Med/SS taxes listed twice (no idea why).

  • I agree the New Sage 100 2018 took away the Perpetual History report which shows the detail of all earnings and deduction codes by employee then totals it for all. The Check history report is crap. How are we to do Saif reporting and and review deductions without adding each employee up. Bring back the original reports and make them Portrait and not Landscape. The other reports are difficult to read.

  • The reports also cause us to use much more paper!

  • I wish I would have know about the change in reports before we upgraded. I wouldn't have done it. :(