In PR department maintenance, the override GL account on the deductions tab is mapped incorrectly to the deduction account accrual field (liability/credit) instead of the contribution expense (debit) account. As a result, my clients have to do a JE reclass at month end to post the contribution expense to the correct department. A simple remapping to the expense account will fix the issue. This issue only applies to employer contribution deduction types. The override works as desired for the other deduction types.


  • Please correct this error that has been around FOREVER. Doesn't seem all that difficult - please come through!!!

  • Please correct this error so the system works as it should

  • Please fix the error - the goal is to be efficient. Why should be continually making a manual entry for something that can be fixed so easily. It is a mapping issue and we paid for your services - please fix the problem.

  • The current configuration forces the creation of duplicate deduction codes for each department. This is an issue when there are 30 departments and 15 deduction codes. Clients are not happy having to search through 450 codes.

  • Please correct this error so the system works as it should

  • The deduction override in Department Maintenance is for Employee Deductions. The employer contribution needs both an expense and a liability account for the contribution so it uses the deduction maintenance fields. There are no fields in Department Maintenance for the employer contribution expense.

  • This causes our clients a lot of time to manually correct all of the postings a crossed departments. Not sure who would use this as is considering the accrual will be wiped out eventually anyway.