Memos can be imported using Visual Integrator but not the memo settings. For example, item memos can be imported into the IM_ItemMemo table - one of the fields is Auto Display. The settings for auto displaying the item memo are stored in a different table, IM_ItemMemoSettings which is NOT available using Visual Integrator. The only way to make a change is to access Item Maintenance, select item, click memo icon, select memo, click Settings and then, check the box where you want the memo to Auto Display. Then, save and exit all of the way back out to change to a different item number. These auto display settings should be available for us to import - even if it's a separate import from the initial memo import which creates the records.

This impacts all modules where memos can be imported: AP_VendorMemo, AR_CustomerMemo, etc... none of the XX_xxxxMemoSettings.m4t tables are available in Visual Integrator.


  • Should be a helpful enhancement