When the sage payroll tax service is down, we need a way to continue to process payroll.
This service has been down all day for one company and their employees will not get paychecks tomorrow.

The website to check status (trust.sage.com) does not even list North America as having an issue and there is no indication of any type of eta which is frustrating.

There needs to be some kind of method to by pass this requirement to be connected to the service in the case when the service is down, whether it be by calling Sage to get a code to type in or some other means.

The messages when running tax calculation are:
Sage 100 cannot connect to the Sage payroll tax service. Please see the activity log located in library master reports menu for details.

System Error
Sage 100 cannot connect to the Sage payroll tax service. The error was:
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
One or more errors occurred.
An error occurred while sending the request.
The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust
relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.


  • Yes I would like to continue processing payroll. We have been down all day and seems like our area is not affected.

  • Create a status web site such as Avalara, e.g. status.avalara.com. Also allow subscription to Alerts. Check out their site.

  • We experienced an internet outage on our end and could not process payroll checks for our clients. There needs to be an option to process using the latest tax tables downloaded to our desk top or office server.

  • In our client's case, they had internet outage due to local area flooding, and they entered manual taxes for every check and STILL could not proceed because it required the tax calculation with connection to internet.