The Inventory re-order report assumes that if you have the re-order method set to economic quantity re-order method that it will re-order the econimc re-order quantity without taking into account what is available. If your quantity available is negative (-51) and your economic reorder quantity is 50, the system would say to buy 50 not 100. The system should always recommend to bring available quantity to 0 irrespective of what the re-order method is and then apply the re-order method functionality. The first step would be what is required to bring available to zero. So in my example I would need 51. Since the economic order quantity is 50 my recommended order would be 100.
by: Avron K. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
It is crazy that the current Economic Qty method does not multiple the economic qty set to meet or exceed the current demand. Sage please review.