Currently the Transaction Dates default to the Period in Inventory module when you click on the Transactions Tab. It would be nice to be able to change the default dates to ALL instead of the current period. There are several users that get this confused when its not posted to the current period. They believe it did not process and there is something wrong. To prevent this and to look up this information faster, it would be nice if it defaulted to show All Transactions and the user could filter the data if they wanted to.

Technology is better today so loading all the data should not be an issue. It would save the user on extra unnecesary clicks for each item. My suggestion is change this or give the option to set the Default to Current Period, Current Year, or ALL Transactions.


  • Urgent! We need the enhancement that will default the search criteria on the Inventory transactions tab to “All” instead of the current month.

  • This enhancement was added in the 2021 Release, for subscription licenses only.
    The release was available in April 2021.

    In Inventory Management Options, a new option was added to set the default transaction date for the Transaction tab in Item Maintenance/Inquiry.