While putting a sales order in you have to hit esc every time due to the extended item description box popping up , and also another time when you are showing a negative quantity of that item.
Sage needs to give customers an option to turn off those pop ups if they decide that they dont need that option. It involves another two steps per order line most of the time and allows for more errors while putting the orders in ...


  • The Entry Exceeds Available Quantity pop-up can be disabled in S/O Options->Line Entry tab->Check for Available Quantity.

  • This will be available in the 2024 Release, scheduled for April 2024.
    In Role Maintenance, the Inventory Management security option, "Allow Automatic Display of Full Extended Item Description" will suppress the auto-display of the extended item description when the item is entered in Item Maintenance AND when the item is entered on a line in data entry.

  • This feature has been added in the 2024 Release, available on April 18/24.