It would be tremendously helpful to be able to keep the search window open when searching invoices, PO's, Customer Lists, Inventory Items, anything really. If I need to search for multiple items I have to enter the search criteria every time instead of just going back to my search results in that window.


  • Excellent idea. As a reseller, I feel your pain. You are not alone.

  • And I believe Ryan is referring to the ALE panels.

  • Globally, ALEs should have an associated relevant drill-down button that would retain the search criteria.

  • I agree. I often search on a description of an item, choose one and realize it's not exactly what I want, and have to start all over.

  • This isn't exactly what is requested but does address the issue of entering the search criteria every time the lookup is launched. The Filters button on the lookup dialog allows for entering search criteria that will persist if you choose the Save check box on the Filters dialog.

    Using the Item List as an example. Using ABC demo data, launch Item Maintenance enter F2 at the Item Code field. On the Item List dialog click Filters. On the Filters dialog enter the search criteria desired. For example:

    Column=Description, Operand=Contains, Value=DISK DRIVE
    Column=Prod, Operand=Equal to, Value=CORD

    Check the Save checkbox in the lower right corner of the dialog and then click OK to apply the search.

    The lookup list will display the filtered results. The Filters button will now display in red to let you know there are filters applied. If you select something from the list or just close the lookup and then use the lookup again you will automatically get that same filtered list of results.

    When done using the filters you would click on Filters and click on Reset to clear the filter choices and then OK to close the Filters dialog.

    A few extra clicks but may be helpful when wanting to deal with a set of records.