I see similar Ideas on this same subject marked 'Complete' but it doesn't appear to be so in the 2021 version we're running.

Can we get PO / PO History to operate same as SO / SO History? Completed SOs cannot be viewed in SO Inquiry, only in SO and Quote History Inquiry. But the same doesn't appear to be true for PO Inquiry and PO History Inquiry; completed POs can be viewed in both. The only indication of a Completed PO is the pop-up in PO Entry - "The purchase order has been completed. Do you want to continue?" Is there a way to move Completed POs to the History files so that they raise a message in PO Inquiry similar to SO Inquiry "0189078 is not on file."?


  • like wise SO credit memo's should work like return of goods entry and "re-open" sales order line items...

  • You can remove completed PO from the purchase order entry table by running the "Purge Completed Purchase Orders" utility on the Utilities menu.