In IRP, have the ability to split a line into its economic order quantities.

For scheduling purposes, we can not run a very large order all at once, so we need to break it down into smaller parts to allow for other customers product to be shipped on time as well.

Example, we need 3,000 pounds of a product made according to IRP. These have due dates that vary, but to plan orders with suppliers through IRP for raw materials, the work tickets all need made and released. Internally in our example, we like to make 1,000 pounds at a time, so we manually delete the 3,000 pound job created and manually create three 1,000 pound jobs (1,000 is the economic order quantity). Depending on the scheduling software, these 3 work tickets can be ran back to back to back if other items are all on time, but the ability to separate is important.
