I believe that some of the tasks within Sage 100 should be renamed.
For example, Daily Transaction Register. Many users have no idea what that means. It should be called Update GL Transactions or Update Journal Entries.
Other changes should be:
a. Invoice Register in AP = Update AP Invoices
b. Invoice Register in AR = Update AR Invoices
c. Daily Sales Reports/Update in SO = Update SO Invoices
d. Invoice Data Entry = Enter Invoices
e. There are more that should be changed in other modules.
This will make it easier for new users to navigate within Sage 100. You have the Process Flows that show these new task names. Why not the main navigation? This will make it consistent and easier to navigate within the program.
The question is, are we catering to old users or are we trying to get new users to adopt the system?
by: Alain S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
I have these changed for almost all mine. Right click on the title, Add to Favorites. On your Favorites screen, right click on the title again and choose Rename.
It should be automatic. It makes no sense to make to change it.