Spell checking was added to other notes and fields, however the descriptions that end up on PO's and SO's that go to Vendors and Customers don't have spell correction. Please add this capability!


  • This can be done with Customizer in Custom Office.
    From the Sage 100 Desktop, launch Item Maintenance, browse to an item and then click on the Extended Item Description button. When the Item Text Maintenance dialog displays use Ctrl-F9 to access Customizer Panel Selection. Choose the User (or All) and Company (or All) that the customization will apply to and click OK. When the dialog is displayed in Customizer, right click on the ML_EXT_DESC text box in the middle of the dialog. On the Multi-Line Definition dialog click on the Options folder. In the Properties frame on the right there is a check box for Spell Check. Check that and click OK. From the Customizer Tools click Save and then Exit. Since this dialog is common throughout Sage 100 when editing item extended descriptions, Spell Check will now be active in S/O and P/O.