It would be helpful to have a setting that specifies a UDF fields value will not be copied to new record when using the Copy From create. There can be UDF fields that should be unique to a record. Copying them to a new record makes it easy for the user to forget to update the copied value to a new, unique value. UDFs marked to not copy from would leave the field at its default on the new record and not copy value to it.
by: Brett Z. | about a year ago | General Enhancements
Which UDF entity is being copied? Some UDF entities have 'Copy From' data sources in User-Defined Field and Table Maintenance. You need to specify which UDF to copy.
Natasha, Sorry for my late reply. If I'm understanding your question correctly, so far we have UDF fields in AR_Customer, CI_Item, and SO_SalesOrderHeader where we want the behavior that they are NOT copied to a new record when someone uses the "Copy From" to create a new record. I've been told the only way right now that you can make it so it doesn't copy the field to the new record would be a customization to duplicate the copy from button and hide the original and launch a custom script on the custom copy from button that clears field value. I'm hoping that Sage can come up with a simple setting in the User-Defined Field and Table Maintenance editor where you can mark that a field should not be copied to a new record in a 'Copy From' create.